Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

College bell with fixed program

College bell with fixed program

Title of the project                  :           College bell with fixed program
Domain                                    :           Embedded Systems Design

Software                                  :           Assembler, Proload

Microcontroller                      :           89S52 CISC Micro Controller

Power Supply                          :           +5V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply

Display                                                :           a) LCD,  HD44780 16-character, 2-line (16X2)

                                                            b) LED              5mm

Crystal                                     :           11.0592MHz

Input                                        :           matrix keypad

Applications                            :           schools, colleges, factories etc.


All repetitive tasks should be automated. The manual bell ringing can be erroneous and laborious. Presenting a micro controller based device which could Ring the bell automatically as per the time table, there could be several time tables say full day time table, half day day table, etc. all these time tables are stored in non volatile memory. The bell compares the current real time clock time with stored time and rings the bell when both match. It silences itself in holidays. It means holidays are also programmable .it can display appropriate messages on backlit High glow LCD Display say 1st period, lunch break etc. optional battery backup for power down operation.it is a wonderful hands on experience project where the student can learn various interfaces and i/o devices.
This project uses regulated 5v, 500mA power supply. 7805, a three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12v step down transformer.

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- See more at: http://www.examsadda.com/2012/05/college-bell-with-fixed-program.html#sthash.0DTxfnw0.dpuf

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